Get the count of all hyperlinks?

How to handle https websites?

How to handle windows alert? frames

Desired capabilities?

Palindrome, Factorial, String reversal

How to handle multiple windows?

How to get CSS property of an element?

Read excel file jxl vs poi

Array List Vs Linked List

varchar and varchar2 data types

Plugin Vs Dependency

reporting dependencies

git commit vs git push

Automation challenges

There is no separate environment for automation

application stability

page dom structure will change frequently

a -> span -> div

synchronization issues (network speed, application performance)

IE browser issues

locator changes from environment to environment

What are the components in your framework?

What are the dependencies need to add in pom.xml for excel handling and report handing?

What is the difference between equals method and == operator?

What is abstraction?

Can we create an object for abstract class?

What is the difference between abstract class and interface?

What is final key word?

How you will access methods in final class?


How do you know whether all requirements are covered by the test cases?

What is severity and priority and who will assign them?

What is defect life cycle?

What is the difference between functional testing and regression testing?

Write functional and regression test cases if there is change user name field in login page?

Is it possible to follow entire process in every sprint life cycle?

What are the different ceremonies in agile methodology?

What is the agenda of sprint review meeting and who are all stake holders in that meeting?


What is the importance of test data?

If the requirements are ambiguous what will you do?

How will you coordiante with the developer if there is an issue?

What are the challenges in manual testing?

How do you proceed with testing if the client asked to execute priority test cases?

Difference between smoke testing and regression testing?

What will you do if you find a major bug just before the release?

Tech Mahindra

What is serialization?

What is the purpose of extending and writing code in sub class?

Why should we have super class and sub class heirarchy?

How do you handle multiple exceptions?

interface vs abstract class

How do you achieve encapsulation?

Why should we have only single object and how you will create it?

What is mutable class?

How you will do estimation?

What is your team velocity?

What are the different ceremonies in agile?

What are the activities in sprint planning meeting?

Why should we have daily standup meeting?

S&P Global

There is a space before and after a text in different environments. How do you write common xpath?

(without using contains)

Python program to add and delete the contents to a list?

How do you convince the team if you feel "a link is good option rather than button" in a requirement?

A script is working fine in all browsers except in IE, what might be the issue? (no driver and version issue)

QA Lead - Strengths and Weakness

If requirements are changing very frequently how you handle? 

  - agile solves 50%, raise risk for timelines slippage, should have complete cycle of testing once all requirements are stabilized

What is your estimation approach for user stories?

  - complexity, risk factors, acceptance criteria (types of testing)

There is a old project without any SRS. What is your testing approach?

  - exploratory testing, discussion with BA to understand application, going through existing bugs, edge testing, document all understanding, 

What are the aspects you consider while reviewing test cases?

  - req coverage, standards

Service Now

There is integer array.  Ex - 122344565888

Print the digit if the immediate digit is also same. o/p- 2 4 8

Class AdjacentDuplicates


public static vpod main(String

Scanner in = new Scanner(;

Systemo.out.println("Enter the value");

String input = in.nextLine();



public void adjacentDuplicates(int n)


LinkedHashMap<character,Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<character,Integer>();

char[] digits = n.toCharArray();

for(char ch:map){



int val=map.get(ch);









for(Map.Entry entry:map.EntrySet()




Write a program to reverse a string word by word

Ex - String s = this is book

O/p - book is this

Class ReverseWordbyWOrd


public static void main(String[] args)

Scanner in = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter the value");

String input =in.nextLine()



public void reverse(String s)


String[] words = s.split("\\s");

for(int i=words.length-1; i<=0; i--)


System.out.print(words[i]+" ");


Write a program for login functionality using Data Providers

Class Login()


@Test(Dataprovider = "getExcelData:)

Public void Login(String username, String password)


System.setProperty(, "system.getProperty("user.dir")+"path of driver");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();






Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement(by.xpath(//label[contains(text(),XYZ)])).isDisplayed, True);



public void getExcelData()


FileInputStream fis= new FileInputStream("path of the excel");

XSSFWorkbook wb = new Xssfworkbook(fis);

XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheet();

String username = sh.getRow(1).getCell(2).getStringCellValue();

String password = she.getRow(1).getCell(3).getStringCellValue();


Write the test cases for a messenger application (Ex - Yahoo messenger)

Verify the login and logout functionality

Verify that online status of the user displaying correctly

Verify whether user is able to send the message if the user is offline

verify the grammar check functionality

Verify the functionality to send message in different languages

verify the message editor

  -check whether user is able to type all different types of chars (upper, lower, special, numerals)

verify the functionality to send smilies, giffs

verify the functionality to send different types of files

verify Ui of the messenger

verify the voice messenger functionality

verify the video chat functionality

verify the functionality to join in social groups

verify the functionality to leave the social groups

verify the search friend functionality

verify the add friend functionality

verify the privacy setting functionality

verify the maximum number of users can login to messenger at a time

verify the response time to send and receive the messages

browser compatibility, platform compatibility

How do you test if there is any change in google api

type casting